Puppy socialization checklist

puppy in thermal plaid jacket

Bringing home a new puppy soon? Then you need this Puppy Socialization Bingo printable .pdf download!

There’s overwhelming agreement amongst veterinarians, breeders, and dog behaviour consultants that puppy socialization is extremely important. In the old days, new puppy guardians were advised to isolate their puppies until they’d had all their shots. The unfortunate downside of that was undersocialized and fearful puppies.

Now there’s a better understanding of the critical socialization window for puppies, which is the first three months of their life. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior recommends getting puppies into socialization classes as early as 7-8 weeks of age, after receiving a minimum of one set of vaccines and a first deworming.

So it’s settled - young puppies need socialization! But what should we socialize them to? Get started with my Puppy Socialization Bingo card. Click the image below to download!

Print it out and take it with you on your puppy’s outings, checking off things your puppy is exposed to. Make the exposure a positive, fun experience - bring treats and give your puppy the choice to interact/explore or not.

If your friends with other new puppy parents, print off a copy for them and see who can get a “bingo” first! Enjoy teaching your puppy the world is a safe and fun place.

If you’re in Toronto’s west end, my day training services for puppies include socialization outings. I can also help virtually!

puppy socialization checklist printable

Puppy socialization checklist

Amanda Factor

Amanda Factor is a certified dog trainer & behaviour counsellor. She lives in Toronto, Ontario with her partner and her senior cat, Bubs.


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